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OCR: Copyright 1992 Imagine Software, Inc. Writtten by Trevor Andrews All Rights Reserved. 1 Imagine Software, I 1 1218 South 5th Street i Lafayette, IN 47905-1716 Lock - Amiga Security system. These copyrighted programs are brought to you through the means of ShareWare. If you find them useful please send a donation ($10-$20) to the above address. Want inhancements? Find a "bug"? Please send us mail! Imagine Software, Inc. makes no warranties expressed or implied. Use at your own risk. You can order the latest version of ALock direct from Imagine Software, Inc. for a small fee. (The cost of sending it ... ) (Subject to availability and may change without notice. ) ALock v1.04 Copyright 1992 Imagine Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Written by Trevor Andrews i Imagine Software, Inc. 1 1218 South 5th Street 1 Lafayette, IN 47905-1716 Usage: ALock {-1 -w -b -dn} -1 => Deactivate the Finger Log . -W Turn the NeXT like wiggle off. -b Allows screens except WB in front. -dn ScreenBlank every n (180) seconds. Lock -- Amiga Security system. ALock requires Kickstart 2.x! D ALock is a limited multi-user security system for your Amiga. You should place ALock in your S:Startup-Sequence before any window or screen is ever opened! I have mine right after IPrefs, so it has a chance to grab my prefs. Feel free to run it in the background with the command "Run >NIL: ALock". You should also make an assign to ETC: eg. "Assign ETC: S:" This is the location where ALock will look for the passwd file and also place the finger. log. If you have a few networked Amigas try mounting ETC: on a shared device. An example passwd file is included. The user information is in the form "LoginId, Password, Full Name" on seperate lines followed by one EOL (end of line). The system name should be place in the file ENVARC: HostName, a example is provided. After login the user's full name is placed in ENV:UserName. This is per the Amiga Style Guide. If you would just like to try out ALock just type ALock! If no passwd file exists or no ETC: ALock will work as normal except any name/password will work and no log will be created! o Message of the Day (ETC:motd) You may now place an optional motd in ETC: which will be displayed after someone logs in. It may only be 30 lines long and 80 characters wide. o What ALock does ... ALock can also be ran while your system is up and running. It will act like a console lock eg. "xlock". It accomplishes this by deactivating screen dragging, Hot-Keys, and any other things that might allow a user into your system o Why is it "limited"? Under AmigaDOS 2.0 you can perform an action which will turn off the auto-execution of the S:Startup-Sequence. You can also boot off of a floppy which would bypass ALock ... o How to make it "Sound-Proof"! First, the easy one. Set the boot priority of your HD above that of the floppies. That was easy wasn't it? :- ) The hard one, the not very well known methode of deactivating the S:Startup-Sequence. To accomplish this you could patch the OS. Very easy on a A3000 that boots its OS off a HD instead of ROM. Or you could patch the OS and burn a new ROM. Those are sorta tough ones. . . A bit easier is to rewire the mouse. o Screen Blanker Note. ALock uses two macros OFF_DISPLAY and ON_DISPLAY for its screen blanking . This might cause problems with other screen blankers. To turn it off use a "-do" on the command line. Also the timing of the Blanker isn't the best. But then the intire screen blanker only added 102 bytes to the programs length! Support for external Screen Blankers is made by using the "-b" option. This only moves the Workbench screen to back, allowing other screens to the front! Be careful, security could be lost! Don't forget the "-do" to trun ALock's internal blanker off! o REMEMBER: If you have any questions or suggestions please write or email me at: tna@mentor .cc. purdue . edu History of ALock: ,1.00 -> v1.04 o Added ETC:motd (message of the day) option. This needs some work however. Maybe a Scroll gadget ... o Cleaned up the DriPens for appearances. o Toggle added to turn the "NeXT wiggle" off. o External Screen Blanker support. o Expanded length of Login IDs and Passwords to 32 characters. o System name read from ENV: HostName (per Amiga Style Guide). Make sure you delete the first line in your old ETC : passwd file! o User name set in ENV:UserName (thanks PJ Foley). Note: This will get set to the full name not Login ID. 10.03 -> v1.00 o Initial release. o Added the Screen Blanker. o Hacked a fix for the (now)"invisible" Password field. o Fixed a problem with passwords longer than 10 characters. 10.02 -> v0.03 o Another beta test release. o Fixed the requester pop up problem. 00.02